June 6

Connect Anywhere, Anytime: Exploring the Flexibility of Cloud PBX


There are tons of different business telecom systems on the market, and like every other tech sector, new options come out all the time. Some are massive leaps forward, and some are subtle upgrades.

Today, weโ€™re going to talk about one newer option that provides a ton of benefits, and it might be the perfect choice for your business.

The flexibility of cloud PBX systems makes them easy to use, highly scalable, and worth looking at for businesses in all industries and of all sizes.

Letโ€™s go more in-depth.

What is PBX?

Before we get into cloud PBX, you need to understand what PBX is in general. This is the core of the telecom world in business, and it stands for Private Branch Exchange. This is what made it possible for businesses to have different phone extensions for every location or office using the same phone system while keeping them networked for seamless communications.

This is the backbone of most business communication in general. It facilitates internal communications between team members without forcing them to stop work to do so in person, navigate simpler detached phone systems that might not be reliable, etc, but it also facilitates calls with third parties such as customers, outreach targets, and more.

Thereโ€™s just one problem. A PBX system relies on hardware.

What is Cloud PBX?

Cloud PBX is the evolution of the same concept.

Using VOIP, or Voice Over Internet Protocol, Cloud PBX focuses on recreating the features of a traditional PBX system with the use of the internet.

The Flexibility of Cloud PBX

Cloud PBXโ€™s main claim to fame is that itโ€™s extremely flexible. This is due to several advantages it gets from using the internet and being software-based rather than the hardware-based systems of yesteryear.

Here are the various ways Cloud PBX expands upon the traditional system.

1: Cloud-Based Computing

The term โ€œcloudโ€ is key to every other benefit on this list. Not only is Cloud PBX software-based, but itโ€™s operated from the cloud.

This means that the service provider stores and operates the PBX system from remote servers on their property or a rented server network.

2: No Hardware Installations

Being a software-based solution on the cloud, there arenโ€™t any complicated hardware installations that need to be done at your location.

This is key for two reasons.

First, the hardware used for traditional PBX systems is extremely expensive. While service costs tend to be affordable, the actual phones can cost between $200 and $1000 each. In an office building that needs 100 phones, you can see how expensive that can get.

It also requires time and energy to install all that and any time something needs to be worked on, itโ€™s a specialist task that might require a trained professional to fix.

This can make traditional PBX systems less accessible for smaller businesses and extremely expensive even for larger businesses.

3: Easy Maintenance and Upgrades

Since the phone system is hosted on remote servers the service provider has direct access to, itโ€™s incredibly easy for the provider to maintain your PBX system and regularly update it, as well as upgrade the system as needed. That can come as the result of you upgrading your service package or the company simply rolling out a new line of features.

With traditional systems, the hardware needed to be compatible with anything done to the system and often required hands-on work.

4: Higher Security

When the end-user has the hardware and software on-site, itโ€™s hard for the service provider to gauge security levels and handle potential threats.

In the cloud, the service provider has direct access to servers. This allows the provider to catch potential security issues quickly, deal with them directly, and overall, provide a far more secure and defensible system.

5: Flexible Hardware Options

Cloud PBX does usually provide the option for service providers to sell or rent out hardware units, but one of the main benefits is that cloud PBX can be used with practically any compatible device. Existing computers, company phones, tablets, and more can be used with cloud PBX systems to leverage feature-rich business communications without tons of extra money going to dedicated hardware.

6: Used In-Office or Remotely

With a traditional system, accommodating the needs of remote employees or employees tasked with working on the road was nearly impossible. At least, if you wanted to keep them connected to the in-business network.

With Cloud PBX, you can keep employees who are working halfway across the country in the same network as your in-office employees. This includes all the same features, connectivity, and more.

This is becoming increasingly necessary as more employees seek opportunities to work abroad, fully online businesses become more popular, and similar situations arise.  This removes the problem employees have with being detached from in-office phone system features while working out and about.

7: Infinitely Scalable

This is potentially one of the best benefits of Cloud PBX. The main goal of practically any company is to grow. Thatโ€™s how a company stays alive and reaches new levels. Of course, with growth, you also increase your need for more employees and more resources.

This goes for your phone system, too.

With a traditional PBX, this meant getting more hardware, increasing your expenses, etc. Cloud PBX can be scaled to practically any level as your company grows, and itโ€™s as simple as upgrading your plan, getting an app installed, and teaching new employees how to use it.

While growth is crucial, itโ€™s also sometimes necessary to downsize. Doing so with a Cloud PBX makes that easier than ever. A simple call to your service provider, and you can downscale the system to meet your needs. Thereโ€™s no hardware to offload or return, no complicated tech rearrangements, or anything like that.

Try Lanstar Data and Voice for the Best Cloud PBX

The flexibility of Cloud PBX is unmatched, but you need a reliable provider and unmatched customer dedication.

At Lanstar Voice and Data, we offer competitively priced telecom packages and systems with the highest quality service, customer support, and package options available.

Contact Lanstar Voice and Data today.

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